Sunday, December 22, 2013

Family Section

As I mentioned in my previous Kingdom Post, here things are, well, just a little different.  Men and women don't date, socialize or "hangout;" they aren't allowed to intermingle unless they are family members. So, in public places, people are segregated. Grocery stores have family lines and male only lines; restaurants have family sections and single male sections, etc. 

So, if my husband goes out on his own, he has to go to the single males area vs when he is out with Marc and me, he goes in the family section. If the roles are reversed, it's the family section for me. 

We recently visited a McDonald's in town and I was able to snap some photos. As you can see, in the family section, every table is private and each family is surrounded by 3 walls with an entrance that is closed by a curtain. This allows women to eat with their families without being viewed by other men. 

I have to admit-the privacy is great, but it does put a cramp on people watching. 


LAL's Solace said...

WOW, that is interesting. Can you imagine how that would work in the US?
Thanks for sharing.

Charles Q said...

Get a load of that gigantic "family-sized" sleeve of fries! Now, that's super-sized.